Why Mother’s Day is so important

Sunday is not just European Election polling day in France - it’s also the arguably more important Fête des Mères

IF TURNOUT in France is low for Sunday’s European Elections, it may be partly due to the fact many people have other things to do. After all, it is Mother’s Day.

The Fête des Mères remains one of the most beloved of all family celebrations in l’hexagone, a fact that does not surprise sociologist Ronan Chastellier.

He told Metro News that, unlike other fêtes that are celebrated in France - such as Valentine’s Day, Father’s Day or Halloween - Mother’s Day “brings with it a real emotion”.

He said that the often-handmade gifts young children present to their mamans are more treasured than anything bought.

“The role of the mother is still deeply rooted in France,” he said.

The rapidly changing role of women in modern society, he added, has served to increase the importance of Mother’s Day celebrations.

France is not alone in feeling this fête is so special, Mr Chastellier said. It is revered across Europe, “because everyone is touched by this day”.

He said: “We all feel rightly guilty if we do not at least buy our mother a bunch of flowers.

“We may not agree on the budget deficit,” he added. “But there is a consensus on this subject.”

Photo: Luann Snawder