About Us

About Us / Legal Information

We are an independent online and print media that has been providing news updates, practical information, features and interviews about France in English since 2002.

We are subscriber-based although our monthly print publication, The Connexion newspaper, is also sold alongside the international daily press in 4,500+ French newsagents and travel hubs.

We specialise in France and issues that English-speakers face and are a leading resource for this community. Many of our readers own property, whether a main or second home, in France.

Our success is due to our readers and subscribers and we put them at the heart of what we do.

We follow the French news and explain relevant key issues with a focus on France rather than ‘expat life’ here. Our bilingual team have either grown up in France or have made the move across and so experience daily life here along with readers.

We update our website daily. Our free weekday e-newsletter is a good way to see the range of articles we publish - you can sign-up here.

Help guides and subscriptions

Through our links with official sources and experience we are also able to publish digital help guides on everyday practical topics about France, such as visas and residency cards, income tax, healthcare and inheritance (subscribers receive pre-launch offers on these).

Our printed newspaper The Connexion is sold for €6.25 an edition or by subscription from €75* / €91.50** (digital and print) per year (twelve months / editions). 100% digital subscriptions start at €5.99 per month or €54 per year.

All subscriptions give access to our online library of 18,000+ articles and a digital version of our 12 latest print editions.

We also provide a dedicated e-newsletter answering a selection of subscriber questions every Saturday and have a subscriber facebook group for readers to find support.

You can see our subscription options here.

We welcome feedback and questions via email to news@connexionfrance.com (we try to respond / follow up on as many emails as we can). This is also the email to contact us on if you have a story to share.

*Paper posted to an address in France. **Paper posted to an address outside of France.

Legal information / Mentions légales


Publishing Company / Société Editrice : ENGLISH LANGUAGE MEDIA Sarl (also trading as “The Connexion” or “ELM”)

English Language Media est une société à responsabilité limitée au capital social de 15,000 Euros et immatriculée au Registre du Commerce et de l’Industrie de Monaco (RCI) sous le numéro 10 S 05218

TVA: FR 04000087071

Registered office / Siège social: Le Grande-Bretagne, 30 Avenue de Grande-Bretagne, 98000 Monaco

Telephone: +33 6 40 55 71 63

To contact us please click here / Pour nous contacter, cliquer ici

ISSN (The Connexion): 1742-6421

CPPAP: 0126 I 85379

Managing Editor / Directrice de la publication: Sarah SMITH

Website host -Hebergeur :Amazon Web Services Emea Sarl (Succursale Française), 31 Place des Corolles, Tour Carpe Diem, 92400 Courbevoie, France