Ferry changes will bring improvements

Stephen TUCKWELL, Brittany Ferries

THE focus of your recent report on Brittany Ferries (Connexion, July) is very much on cutting services and possible price rises. Although a few crossings will be cut, these will be unnoticed by most as we are retaining all five routes between France and the UK. In fact, there will be some improvements in services, notably the return of Barfleur to the Cherbourg-Poole route with a daily service commencing March 2013 and running until November. This will replace the Condor Ferries high-speed charter which has operated from May to September only.

Regarding fares, it is difficult to be absolutely certain what will happen because of the impact of oil prices and exchange rates, over which we have no control, but it is our intention to keep any increases to an absolute minimum and we are certainly going to hold cabin prices at their current level. The primary reason for this painful restructuring exercise is to reduce costs so that we can maintain our routes and price competitiveness.