French voted sexiest accent

Globetrotters say elegance and romanticism beats the cadences of Italian and the gentility of English

WHETHER through the musicality and softness of the language, or zee charming way zey can’t pronounce ‘th’, French has been named the sexiest language in the world according to an international poll of globetrotters.

In a poll that surveyed 8,000 respondents around the world, the romanticism and elegance of French beat the spirited, rolling cadence of Italian (second) and the prim gentility of British English (third) as the world's sexiest language.

A survey by said that it is more than Paris’ majestic architecture or reputation as the capital of romance that draws millions of tourists every year, but the sensual charm of the French language that makes the country a desired tourist destination.

After French, survey participants voted Italian the second sexiest language for being famously expressive and gestural, followed by the British accent – although they did not specify if English, Scots, Irish or Welsh.

In a 2009 survey conducted by, 5,000 female respondents named the Irish accent the sexiest on the planet, followed by Italian, Scottish and French.

At the time, blamed then French President Nicolas Sarkozy for turning women off the French accent.

Text and photo: © AFP/Connexion ©Ivan Kruk -