Mobiles blessed in special mass

Priest in Nice places smartphones, tablets and mobiles under protection of the archangel Gabriel

A PRIEST in Nice has blessed the tablets, smartphones and mobiles of parishioners.

In a scene described by local paper Nice Matin as “plugged-in” and by national newspaper Le Nouvel Observateur as resembling “a collective punishment for an ill-disciplined flock more concerned with their emails”, priests collected together the devices on a tray for the blessing.

The array of technological equipment was placed under the high protection of the arch angel Gabriel – the patron saint of messengers, by Father Gil Florini.

As an added technological twist, the service was broadcast online.

The service came just a few days after the pope’s cultural minister referred to Jesus as being the “first person to tweet” as his sermons were short and full of meaning.

Photo: Flickr/blakespot