Napoleon's map searchable online

The historic government property map database - Le Cadastre - is available online for the first time.

A government property map database - Le Cadastre - is available online for the first time.

Le Cadastre was created under Napoleon in order to calculate tax on properties.

It is not considered legally binding in terms of settling property disputes. has an English version.

Communes are divided into a series of letter-coded sections and within each section individual properties called “parcels” have identification numbers.

After inputting an address, click on one of the map suggestions.

When it opens, a control panel to the left allows you to zoom in and out. If you click "information" under the control panel, and click on a parcel on the main map, an "i" appears on it.

Click "confirm" at the bottom of the screen for details like the property’s size in square metres, its address and reference number.

The number can be used at your mairie to research the property’s owner.

You can print maps or create an account to buy paper or DVD versions.
