Letters: French authorities do nothing about dangerous dogs
Connexion reader says the response by gendarmes was disappointing
Letters: France should ban harmful oils to curb obesity
Connexion reader says working people do not have the time to cook healthy food
Dear Cynth: I feel bad about all the stray cats in my French village
Columnist Cynthia Spillman gives her advice on what to do with abandoned - or feral - felines
Political party for everyone
Those who find the current political scene in the UK depressing can take comfort in the range of options available – whatever your tendencies.
If you hate Jews you can join the Labour Party; if you detest Muslims, the Tories are for you; and if the very idea of encountering an alien culture fills you with rage and despair, you can turn to UKIP.
As someone once said: “It’s time for the carnival of the monsters.”
Steve Gelfer, Tarn