Use number codes for French accents

If you are still having problems finding French accents on an English keyboard (see previous letters), try this

If you are still having problems finding French accents on an English keyboard (see previous letters), try this:

If it is not already on, turn on number lock by pressing the Num Lock key.

Hold down the Alt key and type the four-digit code for the character you want using the number pad on your keyboard.

Here are some of the character codes for French accents:

a with grave accent
à ALT + 133
À ALT + 0192

a with circumflex
â ALT + 131
 ALT + 0194

a with tréma
ä ALT + 132
Ä ALT + 142

a e ligature
æ ALT + 145
Æ ALT + 146

c with cedilla
ç ALT + 135
Ç ALT + 128

e with acute accent
é ALT + 130
É ALT + 144

e with grave accent
è ALT + 138
È ALT + 0200

e with circumflex
ê ALT + 136
Ê ALT + 0202

e with tréma
ë ALT + 137
Ë ALT + 0203

i with circumflex
î ALT + 140
Î ALT + 0206

i with tréma
ï ALT + 139
Ï ALT + 0207

o with circumflex
ô ALT + 147
Ô ALT + 0212

o e ligature
œ ALT + 0156
Œ ALT + 0140

u with grave accent
ù ALT + 151
Ù ALT + 0217

u with circumflex
û ALT + 150
Û ALT + 0219

u with tréma
ü ALT + 129
Ü ALT + 154

Euro symbol
€ ALT + 0128

This works on my PC running Windows XP and also ran on Windows 98 on a previous computer.
Norman Walker, Deux-Sèvres