Is there a register of certified local chimney sweeps in France to use?
Only professional sweeps can provide certificate that chimney has been swept
Some chimneys must be swept multiple times per year
Klimek Pavol/Shutterstock
Reader Question: Your recent article states I must hire a professional to sweep my chimney. Where can I find one who is definitely accredited?
We did recently write an article about the requirement to have your chimney professionally swept, in some cases multiple times per year, which is found below.
Read more: Chimney sweeping rules in France: Can you do this yourself - and how often is required by law?
It is unlikely many chimney sweeps in your area will not have the correct certification, and you can always check before hiring them – most sweeps will send you an devis (quote) with the estimated price before you agree to hire them.
This quote will show if they are correctly set up. If not, you can ask them for proof.
They need to be a properly set-up business (with a Siret/Siren number) and in most cases professional sweeps should be registered with the ‘APE’ activity code 8122Z.
If you wish you can search for sweeps in your area via the registre du commerce et des sociétés (trades and companies register).
If you have the firm’s name or Siret/Siren you can look it up on the Infogreffe website.
You can also search at data.inpi putting the word ramonage into activité and 8122Z under Code APE, and selecting your department.
Firms with this activity code will be able to provide you with a certificate proving your chimney has been professionally swept.
It should cost between €50 and €150, although for larger buildings with multiple chimneys can cost up to €500.
As with other trades, you can obtain multiple quotes before agreeing to hire a specific person so as to compare prices and get the best deal.
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