Save on renovations

An ‘energy certificate’ scheme, which allows savings to be made on the cost of home renovations, has been renewed for another three years

Energy firms are obliged to obtain Certificats d’Economie d’Energie (CEEs), which prove that they are encouraging energy-efficiency.

Having work of an approved type done by an accredited workman means you gain the right to a CEE which can be ‘sold back’ to a firm in return for money off the work. Appropriate work may include insulating the roof or walls or installing a more efficient boiler etc. You can own or rent the property as a main or second home (or it may be a home that you rent out). The property must be at least two years old.

Speak to an energy company and/or go directly for a quote to an artisan with the RGE (reconnu garant de l’environnement) label. The site can help you to find an artisan (click: Trouvez un professionnel RGE) or to speak to an advisor about CEE (click: Je prends contact avec un conseiller).

You need to make an agreement with a firm before signing for an artisan to do the work.

EDF can offer a prime énergie cheque for hundreds of euros ( Amounts may be doubled (or more) for low-income households. Alter­natively ask one of their partner artisans for a quote factoring in the CEE directly, with the artisan completing the paperwork ( Ano­ther firm, Direct Energie, said if you go via their chosen artisan it is possible to have insulation for €1 (email: