City in south-west France takes property owner to court for €100,000 The case is the latest move by authorities in France against short-term rental landlords
‘Check your rent is not too high’: Mixed reaction to new Paris poster The campaign contributes to the ‘clichéd, outdated caricature of the chubby, arrogant landlord’, one property specialist says
Flat owner on hunger strike over non-paying tenants in south of France ‘I’m starting to feel a bit shaky’ says owner. The tenants say they cannot move out
practical Landlord arrested for paying man to scare non-paying tenants in Nice Tenants had changed locks to stop the landlord from entering the home. He is now banned from going near the property
Property energy rating system in France eased (a little) Smaller properties are to have their DPE calculated differently so their rating more accurately ‘reflects reality’, the government says
Who holds the deposit for a French rental property? There are rules on how the deposit is managed during the rental period
Former policeman accused of renting out 100 slum flats in Marseille Tenants were mainly in vulnerable situations such as undocumented workers or asylum-seekers
Pool tax win, cheap €1/m² building plots: five French property updates Plus two landlord controversies and the soaring price of summer holiday lets
Fake ads ‘attack’ on second homes in Brittany, flat owners’ legal fees Our weekly round-up of property news in France
France’s draft anti-squatter law: If passed, what would it change? The plans aim to make it easier to evict non-paying tenants and squatters. They would also apply to second homes
Noisy deliveries, JFK’s holiday home and the dangers of subletting Our weekly round-up of property-related news in France
Illegal doorbells, heat pump accident: Five French property updates We also look at a trial of rooftop wind turbines, how Paris is cracking down on landlords who charge too much and more
Does it make sense to 'buy-to-let' property in France? Partner article: Robert Kent of Kentingtons explains the pros and cons of renting out property in France
Toxic seaweed, energy ratings, tiny flat: Four French property updates We also look at how having good insulation could add almost 10% value to your home and how the state has to pay €19,000 compensation over a chateau it seized Can I rent out my refurbished outbuilding to a student in France? New property website makes life easier for landlords in France French website makes rental paperwork easier for tenants and landlords
Moving to new home during lockdown in France Reader question: We bought a house in France on April 6 (via power of attorney) and believe we have the right to move for two reasons: 1) Our lease expired in our rented property on April 7 and 2) Our new home is empty and unsecured. Landowner in France left with €40,000 costs after squatters evicted ‘Licence to rent’ aims to stop slum landlords and revive town centres Paris Airbnb landlords forced to sell in Covid tourism slump What is changing in France in November 2020? Airbnb rules in Paris upheld by European Court of Justice
Paris holiday rental landlords must register property Flat owners in Paris who let their homes for short-term rentals through internet sites such as Airbnb must register with the mairie before December 1 to get a registration number to be shown on each advert.
Landlord responsibilities for unfurnished properties What are the responsibilities of landlords renting out unfurnished properties? J.J.