Registration forms going in circles

Our tax registration forms appear to be going round in circles between the UK and France - what's going on?

We are currently trying to register for double taxation in France and seem to be going round in circles.
We have an application form from the UK Inland Revenue for relief at source from UK income tax with a note to "send the completed form France / individual to the Inspecteur des Impots for the district in France in which you reside". This we duly did, visiting the office in Nevers.
At this point we were advised to send the forms (one in English and one in French) to an office in Paris. Low and behold three months later the forms arrived in the post from England with the following message:
"Unfortunately I am unable to process the form at the moment as it is not a valid claim. To validate the form please arrange for it to be certified by the French tax authorities as per the instructions on the form."
After contacting them by telephone I was informed that this is quite normal for the French authorities to return forms not completed/stamped.
Should I return the forms to the Paris office or again try my local Impots office in Nevers? With the forms being in French and English we didn't expect any problems!

If the forms are what I think they are, then both the French and the English copy need to be sent to your local French tax office – BUT - with your first French déclaration d'impots.

The French tax offices are increasingly refusing to deal with these forms unless they are accompanied by a French tax return.

This said, it is worth making a copy of the English form and sending it, too, to the UK tax office address on the front of the form in Nottingham.

For more details on this see my article in May's Connexion.

If you missed the April edition, the helpsheet is available from the site by clicking here, priced €5.