26% drivers admit drink-driving

Road study finds that just 35% stick to the rules of the road with 76% ignoring amber traffic lights

ONLY 35% of drivers say that they abide by the rules of the road – with 51% of people admitting they regularly forget to use their indicators and 76% saying they often ignore amber traffic lights.

The annual study for Axa Prévention found that many drivers were also ignoring the laws on drink driving with 77% saying they knew it was dangerous to drive after drinking two glasses of alcohol but one in four people - 26% - said they had done so nonetheless.

As for the obligatory éthylotest breath test kit that all drivers must have in their car, 73% said they had one but only 9% said they had used it.

And although 76% said it was dangerous to use a mobile phone while driving – down from 90% in 2004 – 37% said that they did so regularly with two out of five saying they did not use a hands-free kit.

In town, 70% of drivers said it was dangerous to drive at more than 65kph (the limit is 50kph) but 45% admitted doing so.

There was one piece of good news for road safety authorities : the study found that 19% of drivers admitted driving at speeds of 160-170kph, which is 10% down on the 2004 figures.
Photo: Sébastien - Fotolia.com