Alzheimer's help for families

People who care for relatives with Alzheimer’s Disease can now have 14 hours of free training to help them cope.

People who care for relatives with Alzheimer’s Disease can now have 14 hours of free training to help them cope.

PEOPLE who care for relatives with Alzheimer’s Disease can now have 14 hours of free training to help them cope.

The scheme has been announced by the Association France Alzheimer, in partnership with the state.

It will involve five modules, at three-week intervals in groups of about eight to 15 aidants familiaux - that is people who look after a dependent family member (typically a partner or parent).
The idea is for them to learn to live with their loved-one with the challenges caused by their illness.

The courses will include training in the disease and the mental and behavioural effects it can have, tips on good communication with an Alzheimer’s sufferer and information on various forms of financial or practical help which may be available. The sessions will be run by a psychologist and a volunteer who is a trained aidant familial.

A range of useful handouts will also be given.

Wherever possible the providers will arrange for an area where the Alzheimer’s patient can be welcomed during the sessions.

To find out more about what is available in your area visit and click on the map to find details of your local Association France Alzheimer branch.