Bono in French plea to president

U2 leader makes video call with “magnifique accent Irelandais” for Hollande to continue fight against poverty

“MONSIEUR le president, bonjour. Je m’appele Bono.”

The leader of U2 and co-founder of the aid group ONE has recorded a video partly in French to call on President Hollande to continue the fight against world poverty and especially in Africa.

Speaking for the first 35 seconds in French good enough to be understood but with a “magnifique accent Irelandais” and calling himself “just an Irish musician with a loud mouth” he praised Hollande for remembering the French values of "liberté, égalité, fraternité" and taking action to battle the “denial of human rights” worldwide and especially in Mali.

The video was recorded for the closing ceremony of the Assises du Développement et de la Solidarité Internationale.

You can see the video here, on the Foreign Ministry YouTube account