End in sight for cumul des mandats

A bill banning people from holding both national and local political positions – a French speciality – is being presented today

A BILL stopping politicians from accumulating local and national jobs – one of President Hollande’s election promises – has started its journey through parliament.

It is presented today in the Council of Ministers, the first stage before debate starts on June 3.

So-called cumul des mandats has long been one of the characteristics of the French political scene, with a plethora of députés-maires or sénateurs-présidents de région. However questions are often asked if it is really possible, for example, to be both an MP and the mayor of a large city, and do both jobs properly.

Now the new law aims at banning anyone from being both an MP or senator and having a local political job such as being a mayor or the president of a departmental or regional council.

However the start date for enforcement of this has yet to be set. It could cause chaos if too many of the people concerned immediately leave national politics – and could even mean the left losing its political majority.

At present 476 out of 577 MPs and 267 senators out of 348 have local roles as well.

President Hollande has merely said it will be enforced before the end of his mandate – ie. 2017.

Photo: David Monniaux