‘Dutch roundabouts’ now installed in France: how do they work?
The roundabouts are designed to make roads safer for cyclists
Port of Dover expects new EU border controls to be in place by November 2025
UK authorities are working on assumption that measures will be phased in over six-month period
Did you know? Orange provides internet via satellite to customers in France
Government grants may cover cost of installation
Fuel prices in France dip to lowest level in 2018
Cost of a litre of petrol or diesel has fallen by up to 15 cents a litre since October

As 2018 draws to a close, there is some belated good news for beleaguered motorists - fuel prices are the lowest they have been since the start of the year.
Prices have dropped sharply - by as much as 15 cents a litre since the beginning of October - and now average €1.42 for petrol and €1.41 for diesel.
With January's planned tax increases cancelled amid the Gilets Jaunes protests, experts expect further price cuts in the weeks to come.
But falling prices at the pump has been dwarfed by the drop in the price of a barrel of crude, which is now 35% cheaper than it was just two-and-a-half months ago.
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