One British man's crusade against illegal billboards in France
Tony Smith led a community effort to remove more than 1,000 illegal billboards from roadsides and parks
The rules for enforcing non-EU court judgments in France
We explain the procédure d’exequatur for cross-border court decisions between France and non-EU countries
Cash, cheque, bank cards: what payment types can a shop legally refuse in France?
There are clear rules on how, when and why businesses can refuse to accept payment
Legal documents in English?
I have heard there is an official government site that gives legal documents translated into English. Is that true?

If you are referring to the French codes (the parliamentary acts that lay down the law in most areas of life), then Legifrance contains all of these in French, and some key ones are translated into English (for example, the Civil Code, which lays down rules on relations between private individuals, or the Commercial Code).
See here and click on the Union flag: www.legifrance.com
The site of Notaires de France also has a lot of useful information in English on French law in relation to matters like marriage or inheritance: www.notaires.fr