Minister launches ‘Peace corps’

New volunteer youth movement aims to increase the number of foreign children adopted by French families.

A network of young volunteers based around the world will help ease the problems of adopting foreign children, according to the secretary of state for foreign affairs.

Minister Rama Yade said a deal struck between the government and Association Française des Volontaires du Progrès agency would see young volunteers looking after children in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

In an interview in Le Parisien Ms Yade said: “Every year in France we adopt 3,000-4,000 children, but with difficulty.

“Between 2006-7 we registered a drop of 20% in international adoptions in France, while Italy saw a rise of 9%.

“This is because our system is not working. It is an extremely complicated, bureaucratic, inefficient with too many people involved.

“With all that, the goodwill of families can become a battle.”

The scheme will be rolled out to a further four countries in August and another 20 during 2009.

Volunteers will be trained to work with the governments of both countries, families and associations in two-year stints.

Photo:Afp/Gali Tibbon