Nature takes pride of place

Festival de l'Oiseau et de la Nature in Somme Bay, which runs from April 16-25.

TRIPS on foot, by flatbottomed boat, canoe or dugout, on horseback or in a calèche have been organised as part of more than 250 activities laid on for the Festival de l'Oiseau et de la Nature in Somme Bay, which runs from April 16-25.

There is also a chance to join guided nature rambles, as well as screenings of environmental documentaries, art and photo exhibitions, photography and watercolour
painting courses and children’s workshops to make nesting boxes or bird tables.

Also included are two major international competitions for film and photo, which have produced some stunning images over the years.

With 35,000 visitors expected, the organisers are conscious of the need to be eco-friendly and have set up special rail fares at up to 50 per cent off and electric buses in Abbeville, as well as car-sharing pools, car-hire and bicycle hire.

More information at the site