One-third say they support FN ideas

Annual survey reveals rise in popularity of Marine Le Pen’s far-right political party

One-third of French people support the Front National’s policies, according to an annual survey conducted for Le Monde, France Info and Canal+.

The far-right political party, led by Marine Le Pen, has seen support rise steadily from 22% in 2011, when Mme Le Pen’s leadership began, to 34% in January this year.

While 59% of French residents said they do not support Mme Le Pen or her party’s beliefs, 56% said they believe she ‘understands the everyday problems faced by French people’.

The percentage of people who believed the Front National has ideas that could solve France’s problems had risen by 5% to 40%.

There had been a 2% rise to 46% in the number of people who think the Front National ‘represented a patriotic right, with traditional values’, while 43% believed the party belonged to the ‘extreme nationalist and xenophobic right’.

For more than half of the 1,021 people polled, the Front National remained a protest party, and only 35% thought it would participate in a future government of France.

Other figures from the survey, conducted by TNS Sofres, revealed that 64% of people were against leaving the Eurozone, and 72% were against ‘preferential employment’.

Photo: Remi Noyon