Postage stamps set for big rise

As people switch to email, La Poste says it needs to charge more for postal deliveries

RISING use of email means La Poste is looking at large increases in the prices of stamps to make up for falling revenue on the postal service.

The company’s “strategic plan 2013-2018” was leaked to Le Parisien which revealed that La Poste wants to raise stamp prices by more than the rate of inflation in coming years: by 1% over inflation in 2014 and 2015 and by 3% over inflation in 2016-18.

Although any increase has to be approved by the postal regulator Arcep, the watchdog has already said that it forecast prices rising by a maximum of 1% over inflation between 2013 and 2015.

The number of letters delivered in France is falling by 6% and it is forecast that this will continue until 2018. La Poste already increased prices for the two most-used stamps in January this year, with the lettre prioritaire rising from 60 centimes to 63 centimes and the lettre verte from 57 centimes to 58 centimes.

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