Letters: French authorities do nothing about dangerous dogs
Connexion reader says the response by gendarmes was disappointing
Letters: France should ban harmful oils to curb obesity
Connexion reader says working people do not have the time to cook healthy food
Dear Cynth: I feel bad about all the stray cats in my French village
Columnist Cynthia Spillman gives her advice on what to do with abandoned - or feral - felines
RIP Johnny
Reacting to the aftermath of Johnny Hallyday's death
“Over the top” doesn’t do justice to the JH [Johnny Hallyday’s death] hysteria.
Particularly galling to have to pay for security for the hommage out of my taxes, for someone who did his best to avoid paying them himself in France!
Martin Redshaw, Pyrénées-Orientales
The singer’s 2006 move to Switzerland, with its lowertaxation levels, was supported by two thirds of those polled by Le Monde at the time.