Sarkozy to launch education reforms

The President chooses the 200th anniversary of the baccalaureate to call for changes to the qualification.

President Sarkozy has chosen the 200th anniversary of the baccalaureate to call for reforms to the education qualification.

The plans will be outlined on Thursday this week but are expected to include reforms to lycée curriculums in 2009, the launch of a baccalauréat nouvelle form and a baccalauréat professionnel.

Sources close to the Elysée say that the current Bac is unsuitable for preparing students for further education and for the changing French economy.

"Education is an absolute priority for the the President of the Republique," said a spokesman for the Elysée.

They added the President wanted a more 'democratic' schooling system, levelling an imbalance where only 40% of children of working-class parents go to university, while the figure is 80% for the children of managers.

Photo: Medef