Supermarket prices up 6.6% since Jan

Consumer groups finds rises higher than previous government study, while costs of raw materials is dropping.

Prices in supermarkets have risen 6.6% this year according to a consumer group survey.

The study, carried out by l'UFC-Que Choisir is higher than findings by the government body Insee which claimed at the end of July that had risen roughly 5.7% over a year.

Supermarkets had put up their own-brand prices by roughly 7.7% the survey found.

The worst offenders were Monoprix (+9.4%), Hyper and Super U, Carrefour, Cora, Géant Casino et Auchan (+ 7%).

Both Intermarché and Leclerc faired slightly better with 5.54% and 5.82% respectively.

Record highs of 17% and 15% were hit by two Super U supermarkets in Ajaccio according to the survey while an Intermarché at Albertville dropped its prices 2.1%.

The high tariffs were criticised by consumer group CLCV which said that now the price of raw materials was dropping the supermarkets had no excuse,

Along with a drop in the price of fuel the cost of wheat has dropped from €500 to €300.