'Surveillance' on meat supply chain

France opens judicial inquiry and will take part in EU-wide meeting on the scandal tomorrow

A JUDICIAL inquiry has been opened in France into how horsemeat made its way into frozen food products labelled as beef.

The government has announced that the whole meat supply chain will be put "under surveillance". Agriculture minister Stéphane Le Foll will be taking part in an EU-wide meeting on the scandal tomorrow in Brussels.

Consumer affairs minister Benoît Hamon said it was difficult to tell at this stage whether the incident was due to a mistake or deliberate fraud.

President Hollande said there had been "lapses" and "unacceptable behaviour" in the pursuit of profit - and he said sanctions should be issued against those found responsible.

Consumer protection watchdog DGCCRF has inspected several firms this week, including the headquarters of frozen food suppliers Spanghero and Comigel.

Romanian prime minister Victor Ponta said there was no evidence to support France's claim that it was meat from his country that was to blame.

Meanwhile, British newspaper The Independent has reported that some of the meat from Romania believed to be at the centre of the food scandal could have come from donkeys.