Unions call for postal strike

The postal unions are asking workers to strike on September 22 against the “privatisation” of La Poste

FIVE major unions are calling on postal workers to strike on Tuesday September 22 against the “privatisation” of La Poste.

The CGT, SUD, CFDT, Force Ouvrière and CFTC want a "big day of strikes and protests” on that day in opposition to plans which parliament is to debate in October.

A new law is to be created aimed at making La Poste, now officially a public body, into a société anonyme (PLC) by the start of next year. Although the government says the state would remain the only shareholder, the unions think that might not continue to be the case.

They also believe the new status could lead to changes in their contracts, staff cuts, changes to distribution and the price of stamps.

Opponents from left-wing parties, unions and associations have formed a National Committee against the Privatisation of La Poste, which will be canvassing views at mairies, in market squares and in front of post offices on October 3.

The government says the change in La Poste’s status is needed for modernising – it would allow extra sources of funding.

The EU requires it in preparation for the opening up of the European postal market in January 2011.