Letters: Can Hybrid cars leave you stranded without a spare wheel in France?
Readers share their experiences - their and solutions - over what to do if you do not have a spare in case of a flat tyre
Letters: This photo tip makes it easier to renew UK passports in France
A Connexion reader shares how to make renewing a UK passport more straightforward
Letters: Sliced bread is simply too sweet in France
Connexion reader says that UK bread is far ahead of its French equivalent
Why the gilets annoy me
There is one aspect of the gilets jaunes I find intensely annoying.
If you need a tunic to be seen in the dark on a bike, you have to buy a yellow one. I wear mine a lot. A turning point came when I was cheered by lycéens as I sped past their school in a balaclava for the cold. I’m not a militant, I just don’t want to be run over by a car.
I found other colours online but orange suggests a council worker; green, eco-activism... finally I found and ordered a royal blue.
Miles CLERY-FOX, by email