Tips to save money when hiring a car in France
From comparing deals to private swaps, and checking for extra costs and insurance, here is how
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Can I rent a van in France and drop it off in the UK afterwards?
Local French supermarkets often offer van rental, however they need to be returned to the same place

Reader Question: Is there a way to hire a van in Ardèche, move my goods to the UK, and leave the van in London or Calais?
Many companies offer one-way rentals – look out for the option ‘Return to a different location’ when checking availability.
The best bet is to phone international firms and explain your requirements.
We contacted three rental firms: one said only cars, not vans, could be dropped off at a different location. Another said vehicles rented in France could not be taken to the UK. It is, however, possible with Enterprise, which charges a €55 fee for entering the UK, and says the van must be dropped off in France, so Calais may work.
Many French supermarkets offer van rental services, but they do not allow vehicles to be collected and returned in different locations.
There are also specialised moving companies which are experienced in relocations between France and the UK.
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