Many cigarette prices expected to fall in France this March
The reduction in prices comes after several months of increases
High risk of allergies in southeast France
The national air monitoring network has issued advice for people allergic to alder, hazel, cypress pollen
Did you know? La Poste will pick up medicines from a pharmacy and deliver them to you
Postal service is one of numerous services that are part of growing medical delivery sector
Poor service from Cpam: what to do
My wife returned her Carte Vitale last summer to our Cpam health authority because it would not update but we are still waiting for a replacement and just keep getting vague promises. How can we complain? J.P.

The best avenue may be to contact the conciliateur, an impartial service which acts as a mediator between a Cpam and a user (every Cpam has such a mediator).
You should first have made a written complaint to the Cpam. If you are not satisfied with the response – or do not obtain one – you may apply to the conciliateur at the address of your Cpam addressing the letter to M. le conciliateur.
It may also be possible to do this by email or by speaking to someone on the phone or at a face-to-face meeting; your Cpam should be able to advise about this.
You should receive a letter of acknowledgement and the service may advise on other possible avenues and deadlines.
You can also find more information including a model letter by visiting ameli.fr and clicking Droits et démarches > Réclamation, conciliation...