Do you pay more tax if you put a carport in front of your French second home?
Taxe foncière payments generally increase when additions are made to a property
Will French company accept UK bank for bill payments?
Despite Brexit, UK banks remain part of the Sepa (Single Euro Payments Area) agreement
What is key information needed in ‘simple will’ written in France?
John Kitching, a director of French Law Consultancy Limited, answers a reader query
What can I do with used gas bottles in France?
The best step is to take the bottle back for recycling at a shop that sells the same brand, or most local tips - 'déchetteries' - will take them
The first possibility is simply to take them to a local tip – déchetterie. Not all, however, accept empty gas bottles (bouteilles de gaz) so we advise you to check the council’s website or phone the tip to ask first.
Otherwise, the gas sector in France recommends that you take the bottle into a shop that sells that specific brand so it can be recycled for reuse.
You may even get a reimbursement of part of the price you paid if you have a bulletin de consignation that you kept from the original purchase.
If in doubt, there is more information about how to identify the make of the bottle and a local seller of the brand at the France Gaz Liquides.
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