Six changes in France in February 2025 Motorway toll and electricity prices are among items that are updating
France supports extending smoking bans to more outdoor areas Smoking could soon be banned at transport stops, near schools, and on restaurant terraces
No increase to tobacco tax in France for 2025, says new government Stricter anti-smuggling operations envisioned, as well as a tax on vaping
news Is France set to ban smoking on restaurant and cafe terraces? A new European proposal suggests a ban on smoking and vaping in outdoor and semi-outdoor public areas
Can a landlord ban a tenant from smoking inside property in France? Tenancy agreements often mention this in an attempt to minimise damage and fire risk
Which cigarette packets rise in price in France on June 1, 2024? Predictions show a €25 packet could be on the way
Smoking has long-term effect on immune system - new French research The study is the first of its kind and looks at the impact of smoking on the immune system in comparison to other factors such as BMI, sleep, illnesses, and exercise
France plans to ban smoking in more places - will it work? Campaigners say it is not enough to make a significant difference
Cigarettes to be banned on Nice beaches from next summer The mayor says the move is to preserve the health of both people and the environment
Throwaway cigarette ‘puffs’ to be banned in France It comes amidst a wave of new measures set to fight against smoking in the country
Cancer expert alarmed by ignorance of risk factors in France As cancer rates rise a survey shows confusion around smoking, alcohol and hereditary risks
It was not all bad: A round-up of positive French news stories From falling inflation to connecting with your neighbours, here is some good news to start your weekend with
French attitudes to smoking: Six of the latest trends From the number of young people who smoke to the impact of Covid, we look at what the latest data tells us
We should ban e-cigarette flavours, says new official report in France Flavours are playing a central role in the normalisation of nicotine, claims France's anti-tobacco committee What’s coming up? The week ahead in France French cancer expertise will help Europe’s fight against the disease Dry January grows in France but not funded like anti-smoking campaign
Put up no-smoking signs outside French schools, says anti-cancer group ‘Denormalising’ smoking among young people is an effective way to stop them becoming smokers later in life, says La Ligue contre le cancer as it launches its ‘no smoking month’ France's 10-year plan aims to cut high number of avoidable cancers MP to propose debate on cannabis legalisation in France What is changing in France in November 2020? Did you know? Nicotine was named after a Frenchman French study: Nicotine may protect against Covid-19
Most popular cigarettes in France now cost €10 a pack The cost of one packet of Marlboro cigarettes - the most-sold in France - will reach the symbolic price threshold of €10 on March 1, as the first of two annual government taxes is applied.
What changes in France in January 2020 'Free' glasses and dentures now available, most households now exempt from taxe d'habitation, and minimum wage rises
What changes in France in November 2019 Gas prices go up from the first of the month, a long-awaited tax increase adds about €0.50 to the cost of a packet of 20 cigarettes, the trêve hivernale comes into force and changes to unemployment benefits take effect
Young leave smoking and drugs - for vaping Young people are smoking less and reducing their drug use, turning instead to electronic cigarettes.
The 52 parks in Paris where smoking is banned One in every eight parks in the French capital are now smoke-free
Paris bans smoking from 52 public parks and gardens Cigarette smoking is to be banned in 52 parks, public squares and gardens across Paris from June 8, the mayor of the capital has confirmed.
French woman fined for smoking in car with son, 17 A woman from Royan in the Charente-Maritime (Nouvelle-Aquitaine) has been fined €135 for smoking a cigarette inside her car while driving, in the presence of her 17-year-old son.
MYTHBUSTER: French people smoke as heavily as ever The French are often portrayed as heavy smokers and packets of Gauloises – strong, unfiltered cigarettes – are said to be dirt cheap here. This is false!
More French than ever trying to quit smoking Some 300,000 people have bought nicotine supplements since September, figures reveal
France introduces fixed fine for drug use The French Assemblée Nationale has voted to introduce a fixed €200 fine for the use of narcotics - and cannabis in particular - in an effort to step up the fight against illegal drugs.
Rooks trained to pick up cigarette butts Six specially-trained rooks have been picking up cigarette butts at the Puy du Fou theme park in the Vendée.
First French city bans smoking in public parks Strasbourg outlaws lighting up in all its public parks following successful trial
Drop in smoker numbers actually due to rise of ‘vapes’ The recently-announced drop in the number of people who smoke is due to the rise in electronic cigarettes or “vapes”, rather than anti-smoking health measures, a new study has suggested.
One million people stopped smoking between 2016-2017 The drop has been attributed to a rise in the use of stop smoking aids and the introduction of “neutral packets”, a new report has found.
State support for second anti-smoking aid Nicotine patches will be partly reimbursed by the state from Sunday
Funeral home's lighter goes viral Company insists only 20 darkly comic promotional items were made for employees and friends
What changes in France this month Cost of cigarettes rises, gas prices fall, new phone number-blocking system comes into force, Crit'Air stickers cost less, and there are rule changes for AirBnB properties in Bordeaux
Cigarette firms face cheat claim on tar tests As cigarette prices rise to €8 a pack, it raises suspicions
Proposal to ban smoking in French films mocked online A proposal to ban the depiction of smoking in French cinema films has been mocked after critics suggested it was unrealistic and unenforceable.
Cigarette prices to rise 30 centimes Manufacturers forced to increase prices as government moves to cut smoking and 75,000 deaths a year
Cigarettes to rise €1 a year to €10 Cigarette prices are set to rise €1 a packet next year and the same again in 2019 and 2020 until they hit €10.
Cigarette packets could cost €10 each by 2018 The French minister for health, Agnès Buzyn, has announced she would like to raise the cost of a packet of cigarettes to €10 each by 2018.
Smoke-free terraces this summer Government initiative to allow restaurant and café users to find clean-air zones