New radars capture both number plates

Front-and-back cameras tested out on four roads, because a third of current speed camera photos are too blurry

POLICE are testing out a new double-sided speed camera that aims to make identifying drivers easier, by photographing both of the car's number plates.

The new device is being used near Lyon (Rhône) on the D301 in a three-month experiment - but none of the cars caught will receive a fine during the pilot phase.

The roadside box is equipped with two cameras pointed a different angles, making it possible to take a photo of the front number plate and then the back one a split-second later.

It is hoped the new technology will solve the current problem faced by police, who find almost a third of speed camera images are too blurry to identify the car involved.

A similar device will be tested on the D6 in the Gironde, near Lacanau - while the D137 in the Gironde and the D6098 near Nice will experiment with a different system, made up of two separate cameras a few metres apart.

Police say the image taken from the front will always be useful in helping to identify who was driving at the time - but the rear image should improve accuracy.

The results will be analysed once the three-month trial periods are over, and if a success the new cameras could be extended to other parts of France in 2016.