New procedures for French cartes de sejour

Most Britons who are permanently resident in France are now aware that, after Brexit, we will all either have to apply for the new post-Brexit carte de résident de longue durée or swap our current cartes de séjour for one.

However, I have found it impossible to establish how current card-holders go about applying/swapping for the new card and what documents are required for this.

I can only assume that, even at this late stage, detailed instructions have yet to be published.

Hopefully, once such instructions have been issued, you will publish details in Connexion?

Keith Chamberlain, Vendée

We reply: Yes, we will provide details as they become available. For now, we know the carte de résident would apply in a no-deal to those living in France for more than five years or holding the séjour permanent card before Brexit. For those with the card, it would be a “swap”, so there would be no documentation required. Britons without a card now would have to give proof of residency for five years and show they have been covered for healthcare and have had income at a level yet to be publicised. France is expected to be more flexible on income than is usually the case for non-EU citizens. In the case of a deal, a totally new kind of card is expected.