42% of people ‘miss their mums’

Mother’s Day survey finds 92% will wish bonne fête on Sunday while children can make her a €5 meal

AS Mother’s Day approaches this weekend four out of 10 people say they miss their mums – with the numbers rising to nearly seven out of 10 the further apart they live.

A survey showed 92% of French people will wish their mother bonne fête on Sunday with 39% also sending a bunch of flowers.

However, with more people moving away from home for work the survey also highlighted that 42% of people regretted living an hour away from their mothers, rising to 67% for those living two hours or more – those who also admitted only seeing their mum once or twice a year.

[Infographie]92% des Français ont prévu de souhaiter une bonne fête à leur maman http://t.co/yXIS2AyjJl #fetedesmeres pic.twitter.com/8PapbqLWfu— Interflora France (@Interflora) May 26, 2015

Happily for Interflora, the sponsor of the Ipsos survey, flowers were the most popular gift – although mothers also loved being given something homemade – with perfume or cosmetics, a meal out and chocolates following behind.

One in three people (35%) will spend between €10 and €30 on their gift, while 30% will spend between €30 and €60 – and 17% more than €60. However, the results (in a survey for DIY and gardening website monEchelle.fr) also showed that one in two people will not send a present – feeling the day is “too commercial”.

Children wishing to save their mother from the chores on Sunday – and watching their pocket-money budget - could look at an easy-to-make meal for €5 featured on the food website Meltyfood (in French).

The meal will be Confit of onions and figs with ham in a glass (costs €1.75), salmon en papillote (cost €1.15 and with some help needed with setting the oven) and finishing with a dessert of Chocolate and orange gateau (cost €1.20 – help needed with the bain marie and the oven)