Avignon tackles alcohol problems

In an effort to tackle drunken disorderly behaviour, the town of Avignon bans alcohol sales and consumption after 10pm.

In an effort to tackle drunken disorderly behaviour, the town of Avignon has banned alcohol sales and consumption between 10pm and 6am.

Following a rise in alcohol-related incidents at night, and an increasing number of complaints from residents, the town hall has issued a decree that forbids the sale and consumption of alcohol between 10pm and 6am.

The decree, which is now in force, aims to curb alcohol related incidents, a growing problem for the town.

It is hoped that preventing the sale of alcoholic drinks (over 1.2% Vol) in shops at night, and making drinking in the street illegal will result in a decrease in the number of incidents, many involving young adults.

The local police will be enforcing the rule and anyone found breaking the law could be fined between 90€ and 375€.

The decree targets street drinking specifically and will not affect cafés and restaurants or licensed events and public festivities, such as New Year, Christmas and the music festival.

Photo: Monkey Business - Fotolia.com