Boy, 16, flashed at 221kph in car

Offence came hours after biker caught at 267kph and saw both bike and licence confiscated

A SIXTEEN-year-old boy was caught by gendarmes after being flashed at 221kph on the expressway between Montpellier and La-Grande-Motte in Hérault.

He was caught just hours after a motorcyclist was flashed at 267kph in Burgundy in what is thought to be the highest speed offence recorded in 20 years.

The Hérault youth, from the Paris suburb of Argenteuil and on holiday in the region, was too young to have a licence and was also doing more than twice the 90kph speed limit in the borrowed BMW.

Gendarmes said the car belonged to his uncle, who was playing the casino at La-Grande-Motte. The boy had asked to borrow the car keys to listen to some music with his cousin – and they had decided to take it for a spin.

Speed cameras flashed them last night doing 221kph at Pérols, south of Montpellier. The driver will now face the youth tribunal.

In Burgundy, a 43-year-old biker was caught by gendarmes at 267kph yesterday afternoon on the RN80 in Saône-et-Loire between Chalon-sur-Saône and Le Creusot. The road had a 110kph limit.

His 1,000cc Suzuki and driving licence were immediately confiscated.
Photo: Simon Coste -