Can I claim child benefit?

Whatever your family situation or income, you are entitled to child benefits (allocations familiales) from the CAF

WHATEVER your family situation or income, you are entitled to child benefits (allocations familiales) from the CAF (Caisses d’Allocations Familiales) if you have two children under 20.

This is a monthly payment that you should receive regardless of your financial situation. You can download an application form from

The amount you are allowed if you have two children is €123.92, for three children €282.70 and then per extra child, you are allowed another €158.78.

For older children, you will receive an extra €34.86 for children between 11 and 16 and €61.96 for over-16s.

For children born after April 30, 1997, parents will not receive the above sum, but will receive instead €61.96 each month after the first month of their children’s 14th birthday.