Letters: French authorities do nothing about dangerous dogs
Connexion reader says the response by gendarmes was disappointing
Letters: France should ban harmful oils to curb obesity
Connexion reader says working people do not have the time to cook healthy food
Dear Cynth: I feel bad about all the stray cats in my French village
Columnist Cynthia Spillman gives her advice on what to do with abandoned - or feral - felines
Character, judgment, ability: all wrong
The UK has a proud history of political stability, good sense and racial tolerance but the EU referendum has changed this.
Politicians have used lies and distortion of the truth which are now par for the course.
As a consequence of the political view that immigration must be controlled, tolerance for other races and religious beliefs has diminished - and now we have divisions among friends and families due to their different views on the EU.
In similar moments in history a statesman [or woman] has risen to shake the nation back into shape: can the current PM fulfill this desperate need?
It seems Mrs May is following a seemingly more important agenda which is to perpetuate the original reason for the referendum: to maintain unity in the Conservative Party.
But she has shown several times she is unworthy to be PM.
Such as warning the EU that there would be a lower level of co-operation on security if the UK did not obtain reasonable trading terms. No person representing the UK should use the safety of others as a bargaining chip for good trade.
Such as saying “No deal is better than a bad deal”. What an incredible claim, which if allowed could reduce the UK economy to the level of a “banana republic”.
Such as setting up an ad hoc media event outside No10 to accuse the EU of interfering in the due political process of the election. How will this help our EU negotiations and is it how we expect a PM to act?
Such as her personal judgment in calling the election
Such as her political judgment, where a grubby £1billion deal has been made with the DUP with the sole purpose of keeping the Conservative Party in power and ignores repercussions on the Peace Agreement.
Keith Mousdale, Deux-Sèvres