Letters: Can Hybrid cars leave you stranded without a spare wheel in France?
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Letters: Sliced bread is simply too sweet in France
Connexion reader says that UK bread is far ahead of its French equivalent
Democracy for losers too
Is Michael Moat (Letter This is not democracy Jan 2017) suggesting that the votes of those aged 65+ should count less than a younger person’s vote because the long term outcome may not affect them?
a) I hope to live much longer than 65 and hope to see some of the results.
b) Many of those 65+ have children and grandchildren which they take into account when voting.
c) Those 65+ have lived longer and many have become much wiser than 18-24 year olds.
So the current system is not perfect but probably the most democratic available.
Those who disagree with the systems are nearly always the ones who didn’t get the outcome they wanted. The same ones that as children said ‘best out of three’ when they didn’t win, wanting to try again until they got their own way.
The voting system is what it is. Everyone is armed with the same information to decide in their own minds which way to vote, whether right or wrong, and the majority wins, whether right or wrong.
That, unfortunately, is democracy.
Duncan HEYWOOD, Dordogne