Dictionaries invent their own franglais

New 2019 entries

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Chatbot, liker and rançongiciel are among new French words to join Le Petit Larousse Illustré and Le Petit Robert dictionaries for 2019.

Grosso­phobie, marcheur, démo­crature and Fiché S also make an appearance.

PSG footballer Neymar and ISS astronaut Thomas Pesquet join as new personalities.

Chatbot and liker are simple to work out but rançongiciel is ransomware, and grossophobie is prejudice against the over­weight. Marcheur is a Macron supporter (from his party En Marche!) and démocrature is a democracy run like a dictatorship. Fiché S is a person on a file of possible security risks.

Dining also created ‘new’ words with ristretto, pavlova and sauce barbecue as well as biérologie, beer tasting science.