English church in Saint-Pargoire

Monthly services in the Église Reformée, which is the French equivalent of the United Reformed Church

How long has the church existed?

The congregation held its first service at Saint-Pargoire last March, but many members of the congregation have worshipped together since October 2003, when a number of English-speaking residents started a home eucharist group; almost all of the original members, including Richard Acworth, our priest-incharge, are now members of the congregation at Saint-Pargoire.

How often do you meet?

We hold monthly services in the Église Reformée, which is the French equivalent of the United Reformed Church or the Church of Scotland. It is, however, in full communion with the Church of England.

The Église Reformée at Saint-Pargoire was keen to establish a link with the home eucharist group, and invited our members to join them in occasional joint services. They have made us very welcome to share their premises. The congregation is officially part of the Church of England Diocese in Europe, and is affiliated to the parish of St Michael’s at Boisset in the Gard.

Who attends?

The congregation is very mixed. It includes many people who have retired to the Hérault from the UK and families with young and teenage children.

Whom should readers contact for more information?

We are very keen to encourage other residents and visitors who wish to worship in the Church of England tradition to come and join us. All Christians are welcome to take communion. After each service, there is the opportunity to chat
with members of the congregation, and make new friends over a cup of coffee and biscuits.

Contact churchwarden Trish Armson on 04 67 44 88 60, email achstp@gmail.com or visit www.heraultenglishchurch.fr