Gay divorce website set up

Although law not yet passed, advice page says new rights and liberties create new problems

ALTHOUGH the law legalising gay marriage has not yet been passed by parliament, a new website has already been set up to help homosexuals to divorce.

The site says that it offers “gay-friendly” lawyers for the “inevitable” divorces that will happen. It explains the need by saying that giving homosexuals “new rights and new liberties creates new difficulties: legal, inheritance and financial”.

Until now, the site says, these problems have affected only heterosexuals.

Lawyers had been “carefully chosen by region for their desire and ability to welcome gays and lesbians and best respond to their requests without prejudging”.

The site highlights the situation in Argentina where the first homosexual divorce happened just three weeks after the legalisation of gay marriage.

However, it goes further than the present proposals being scrutinised in the National Assembly, as it also says some of the lawyers will offer advice on procréation médicalement assistée (PMA) – fertility treatments and assisted reproduction which has sparked intense debate.