Letters: French authorities do nothing about dangerous dogs
Connexion reader says the response by gendarmes was disappointing
Letters: France should ban harmful oils to curb obesity
Connexion reader says working people do not have the time to cook healthy food
Dear Cynth: I feel bad about all the stray cats in my French village
Columnist Cynthia Spillman gives her advice on what to do with abandoned - or feral - felines
Light-fingered stall-holders at brocantes...
May I offer a warning to all avid brocante goers?
At one such Charente event I bought a pair of candle lights. I had never seen the likes before, liked them and haggled the price down to €25.
As the lights were heavy and my car was parked some distance away, I agreed with the vendor I should leave the items there to be collected later.
Three hours later, the vendors had disappeared – along with my purchases. If a similar situation arises again, I would rather miss out on a good find.
H&J CRICK, Ruffec