Letters: How are hybrid cars supposed to carry a spare tyre in France?
Connexion reader says electric vehicles simply do not have enough space
Ministers to debate emergency law so France can continue to collect tax and pay expenses
The text is used to guarantee that public services will continue to function while maintaining the same constraints as in last year’s budget
Letters: The number of cold calls to French phone is maddening
Connexion readers say that measures to prevent them are not effective
Macron wins over voters
I suggest that Mr Heffer (November) checks his facts before he writes. Only last week a survey informed us that, after his few months as president, more people would have voted for Mr Macron in the first ballot of the elections than actually did. More and more have been impressed.
If Mr Heffer seems only to listen to Mr Mélenchon and co, then it is no wonder he writes such ill-informed, biased articles.
R Vaughton, Aude