This French ski station has opened for first time in seven years
It is the first time the resort has had enough snow since 2018
Long life: Which areas of France are set to have many centenarians and why?
Overseas departments fare the best but some areas in France and Corsica also rank highly
‘Were so shocked’: Locals react to mystery deaths of British couple in France
The bodies of Dawn and Andrew Searle were found at their home in Aveyron on February 6
Man does a runner after bank’s €177,000 error
A man who saw €177,000 land in his bank account by mistake faces 10 months’ jail after taking the money and running.

The man, from Banyuls-sur-Mer in Pyrénées-Orientales, was sentenced in his absence as he has not been seen since 2017 – when he had promised to repay the cash to a company that made a simple mistake in an IBAN number.
Article 1376 of the Code Civil says anyone “who receives by mistake or knowingly what is not their due is obliged to return it”. However, Article 2224 also says the paying bank has five years to spot the error... or the recipient can keep the money.
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