New tradition of hard summer work

French politicians have stopped telling the media where they were going for their holidays

IN THE days before France and other European countries hovered on the verge of bankcruptcy, French politicians took part in a tradition of informing the media where they were going for their holidays (presumably to be subsequently left alone).

This year, as France seeks to plug its national debt, placing the lavish lifestyle of some MPs and wasteful spending of departments under the microscope, ministers are being decidely coy about their holiday plans.

The exception to the rule is Health Minister Roselyne Bachelot, who has openly announced a three-week holiday in the south of France, in the Basque country. Given that last year the swine flu outbreak kept her in Paris and the year before she had to head to the Beijing Olympics (sport falling under the health department), it will be her first full summer holiday in three years.

Education Minister Luc Châtel, who in pre-crisis days openly told the press he was off to Egypt, has said he will take some days off, destination unrevealed, with his family, but will carry on working ahead of the rentrée.

Finance Minister Christine Lagarde has not revealed holiday details. In previous years, she has visited Corsica and been diving in the south of France.

Not all ministers have always been so forthcoming. Environment Minister Jean-Louis Borloo and Foreign Secretary Bernard Kouchner routinely keep their details private.

Culture Minister Frédéric Mitterrand played the privacy card last year, only to have National Front leader Marine Le Pen quote one of his own books on how he enjoyed paying “gosses” (boys) for sex in Thailand. He does not know where he is off to this year.