Only 25% would work more - poll

Spending power is number one voters concern but only one in four is prepared to work more to improve their income.

Only 25% of French people are willing to work more to improve their income according to a poll by Le Parisien.

Six people out of ten would prefer to keep their situation exactly as is, despite the fact that spending power has now risen to the top of the list of voter concerns.

The study of 1,000 over 18s by pollsters CSA, found 51% placed spending power as their first worry, with health and pension security at 35% and 30% respectively.

A further 13% of workers wanted to cut their hours and were willing to make cuts in lifestyle.

A similar poll in December 2005 found that 27% of people wanted to increase their hours, despite legal restrictions.

It was a theme taken up by Nicolas Sarkozy during his presidential campaign when he used the slogan “Travailler plus pour gagner plus” (work more to earn more).