Letters: How are hybrid cars supposed to carry a spare tyre in France?
Connexion reader says electric vehicles simply do not have enough space
Letters: The number of cold calls to French phone is maddening
Connexion readers say that measures to prevent them are not effective
Letters: France must not tolerate political corruption
Connexion reader says it is right that Marine Le Pen should be prevented from holding office if found guilty
Reasons to love France
You recently asked what people like most about France – so here’s my list:
1. The space in the countryside where I live and on the roads.
2. The courtesy given to cyclists by motorists, in Brittany at least.
3. The way that everyone greets you in the local café / bar with a handshake or la bise, never too much trouble.
4. The excellent health service.
Mark BENNETT, Ille-et-Vilaine
Readers can send their ideas to news@connexionfrance.com