Steam cloud covers nuclear plant

Normandy residents hear sound like a fighter jet flying overhead as leak of super-heated vapour fills the air

A GIANT cloud of steam covered the Flamanville nuclear reactor site in Normandy after safety valves in one of the machine rooms released a vast quantity of super-heated water vapour.

The leak did not come from the nuclear side of the plant, but the escaping steam caused an extremely loud noise - described as being like a fighter jet screaming overhead – that lasted for about 15 minutes.

Plant operator EDF said that yesterday morning’s leak was quickly brought under control after about 15 minutes and there was no danger to nearby residents in the department of Manche. The company said there were no staff in the vicinity of the leak and engineers are trying to find the cause.

The non-radioactive steam escaped from one of the transformation units which drives the turbines in Hall 2 of the power station and the noise was from the effect of a high-pressure jet of water vapour at 200C meeting cold outside air.

This morning EDF said that there was no disruption to production at the site.
Photo: EDF-Conte Bruno